Monday, September 30, 2013

Dichotomous Key

dichotomous keys are important when trying to figure out what type of substance you are working with with what little information you are given

Algae Search

We found alot of clams during our search, which can be used to filter the water. 
we also found various forms of algae which can capture chemicals and prevent them from contaminating water supplies

Sunday, September 22, 2013


A watershed is an area of land that water flows across, through, or under on its way to a stream, river, lake or ocean. i live in the Elm Fork of the Trinity River watershed. The address is 12030103. They capture, store, and release water. Failed septic systems, pesticides, and toxic chemicals are some problems caused by people that affect watersheds. 

Lab Report

I. Purpose: to monitor a fresh water ecosystem over time and collect and interpret data. 
II. Materials: 
tank, water, rocks, water kits, bubbler, fish, nitrate, nitrite, thermometer, dechlorinator, paper towels, baggies, bacopia, gravel, fish food, filter, plants, fake plants, ammonia, net, filter, scrub brush, pitchers, tubberware
III. Procedure
1. clean tank & gravel
2. put gravel, plants, decor, & water in tank
3. test water
4. dechlorinate water
5. retest water
6. add fish
7. add bubblers
8. add filter

Freshwater Fish

Alligator Gar (Atractosteus spatula) reproduce in the spring and the eggs are deposited into shallow water. Found in slow sluggish water in the Gulf of Mexico and southwestern rivers. Eat catfish and waterfowl and are seen as a freshwater predator. 300 pound gars have been found, they are not fished with hooks, and while they live in slow water, they spawn in running water.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen cycle starts with fish consuming food. The fish then makes waste. Bacteria (Nitrosonoma) breaks down ammonia, and it turns into nitrite. The nitrite breaks down into nitrate (nitrobacteria), which is taken in by plants.

Algae Search Lab

My partner and I found snails, daphnia, dragonfly larvae, and seed shrimp. However, we added 5 snails and our fish ate 3 of them. So only two survived to help our tank environment. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

River Model

The river model has 4 different tubs with different "environments" and four pipeways between each one. We want to observe the patterns of which tubs the fish reside in. On Sept. 5 we had 23 of the 26 fish left due to pump death. In pool 3 there were 20 ghost shrimp and no minows, 2 brown minows in pool 2, and and orange & brown minow in pool 4. 

Temperature and Density

For this demonstration, there were 4 jars- two filled with cold (blue) water and two filled with warm (red) water. We placed 1 cold jar upside down over a warm jar, and the other warm jar upside down over the other cold jar. When the warm was over the cold, the water stayed in place. But when the cold was over the warm, the water mixed. This is because warm water rises and cold water sinks.